Artificial Intelligence Experiment

A Collectible Cards Experiment using Artificial Intelligence Image Edition (AIIE)


What is AIIE?

Artificial Intelligence Image Edition was originally developed by Google engineer Alex Mordvintsev, calling it Deep Dream. It is an algorythm used as a computer program which uses a neural network to find and enhance certain patterns in images.

Pareidolia Tendency

Humans have a tendency to see, or perceive, different objects or patterns in different situations, such as seeing shapes in clouds or faces abstract images. That´s Pareidolia. AIIE tries to match the same creating these patterns using a convolutional neural network

How convolutional neural network works

Feeding an image to detect the first layers, usually edges.
Second step detecting higher level features, like faces.
Assemble these features into a complete new interpretation generating a unique new version of the image

Procedural Textures

A procedural texture is a texture created using a mathematical algorithm instead of stored information, approaching low storage costs, simple texture mapping with almost unlimited resolution with a natural look of the rendered graphic.